Email: Windsor Office:
1725 North Talbot Road, RR#1
Windsor, ON, N9A 6J3
Tel: 519.737.7234 Fax:
Dartmouth Office:
2 Stonehaven Crescent
Dartmouth, NS B2V 2S1
Tel: 902.499.9283 Fax:
Guelph Office:
York Business Centre
Building A, Suite 215
490 York Road
Guelph, ON N1E 6V1
Tel: 519.822.7234 Fax:
855.531.3774 |

The investigation of motorcycle accidents
requires specialized knowledge and experience in
motorcycle dynamics and rider control. Several
of the HRYCAY engineers are license recreation
and competitive riders. Accident scene evidence
is often scarce or ambiguous and requires expert
interpretation. The scene investigation must
also concentrate on visibility issues, since
seemingly trivial sight obstructions, such as
signposts, hydro poles, and trees, can often
hide motorcycles from the view of a stationary
observer. Inspecting a motorcycle after an
accident can also be technically challenging.
Braking system types, suspension types, and
frame geometry and strength vary widely among
different types of motorcycles. HRYCAY
has the specialized knowledge and experience to
do the job thoroughly and professionally.
The recreational and competitive riding
experience of some of our engineers allows them
to apply practical expertise with scientific
principles. |