
Windsor Office:
1725 North Talbot Road, RR#1
Windsor, ON,  N9A 6J3
Tel: 519.737.7234  Fax: 519.737.7796

Dartmouth Office:
2 Stonehaven Crescent
Dartmouth, NS  B2V 2S1
Tel: 902.499.9283  Fax: 902.462.2897

Guelph Office:
York Business Centre
Building A, Suite 215
490 York Road
Guelph, ON  N1E 6V1
Tel: 519.822.7234  Fax: 855.531.3774


Highway Design, Construction and Maintenance


These accident scenarios involving a single vehicle, curves in the road, deep drainage ditches, snow-covered roadways, or double fatalities often initiates an action being brought against a road authority. Negligence may be alleged for improper and unsafe road design, construction not in accordance with the contract plans and specifications, the non-existence of guardrail protection, improper traffic signing and pavement markings, and inadequate snow removal practice and policy.

After a careful examination of the scene, the vehicles, and all other Police and witness information, our engineers first analyze the accident to determine the speed, position, and orientation of the vehicles during the entire accident event. This is critical in evaluating the interaction of the vehicle with the roadway environment and the legitimacy of the allegations. Having roadway design experience, understanding the principles behind the design theories, and having knowledge of the applicable reference material, we will provide an opinion on which, if any, of the alleged issues may have contributed to the cause of the accident.

HRYCAY has been retained by the Canadian Department of Justice; municipal Insurers in the Provinces of Ontario, New Brunswick, and Alberta; and by others in the United States including the State of Ohio. We work on a first come-first serve basis and therefore have also been retained on behalf of Plaintiffs. We have gained vast experience in the proper documentation of all accident evidence and all pertinent geometric, cross-sectional and topographic information.